+49 2161. 61 89 0 |
  • induo® knowledgement

    informative and very interesting

Wood poles of the highest quality – Made in Germany

induo® offers high-quality wood poles in a wide range of designs and qualities. For quality reasons, we mainly supply wood poles made of the timber species Scots pine which, in terms of their impregnation characteristics, depth of Preservatives penetration, strength and resistance are far superior to wood poles made of spruce. Our wood poles are deployed worldwide by happy customers from the energy and telecommunications sectors. [...]

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Telephone poles made of wood – efficient and sustainable

induo® round wood poles have proved themselves time and again as the cheapest and most effective form of overhead wiring for telecommunications. There is a sustainable supply of wood for telephone poles and telegraph poles and they blend seamlessly into any landscape. While growing, wood removes more CO2 from the atmosphere than is released during processing. In addition, woodlands clean the air, protect drinking water and offer humans and animals protection, living space and relaxation. [...]

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Creosote impregnation – long lifespan and approved worldwide

The use of wood poles makes an important contribution to the preservation of our forests and the protection they offer the land, water and climate. For quality reasons, induo® mainly supplies wood poles made of wood species Scots pine which, in terms of their impregnation characteristics, depth of preservatives penetration, strength and resistance are far superior to wood poles made of other softwoods, such as spruce. To ensure the durability of our products, we protect them with either a creosote or a salt impregnation. [...]

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Ordering & Advice

Experts phone: + 49 2161. 61 89 - 0

Accessories required?

We provide all necessary accessories and
system components for pole systems.
Please ask our experts on the phone.